Monday, April 7, 2008

Found some Charm and Grace...

Back to Rhett...I really have been seeking out those who drip of God's hand. I want to see that there REAL, heart pumping, Praise shouting, Cry out louder than the rocks...Christians. A real life Paul, John, or Timothy. Someone who truly knows Gods grace...So far you have met Smiley Guy and the running boy. someone new, please.

A beautiful couple who Brian and I have been following for a while, are my new Charm and Grace. They have every right in the world to be hateful, bitter, and even unfaithful...but they hold to their faith none the less. When sorrows like sea billows roll, they stand with their feet planted firmly in the truth that their God is the same today as He was yesterday before the billows. This couple is Todd and Angie Smith. Sounds like a common name. One that you might think came from our church huh? They are actually fairly well known. Todd is one of the lead singers for my favorite music group, Selah. Selah has been a rock in my times of sorrow. Their music has led Brian and I on to discover attributes of God, when all we could see was the murky sea water above us. We have always felt that there was something behind their music. And there is. They are not in the music business for the fame. It is all about God. I can't stand fakey worship...the kind where someone who thinks they have a decent voice gets up and belts out a song, thinking that they are doing the whole church a favor? Or whoever is listening to them? Know what I am talking about? Well, this family is not that way. And I can prove it.

Tonight this dear couple lost their child. The have lived for 3 months knowing that their sweet Audrey would hold Jesus' hand before or shortly after she held theirs. They have blogged their journey. And it drips of grace and charm. It drips of those who love their Savior. Of a couple who will serve Him no matter what...and will not waiver. Please take the time to read about this amazing family. I am astonished at how God used them tonight in my life. She and I were due so close together, and our little ones are in Heaven tonight rejoicing. So many thoughts that Angie voiced, have come from my mouth. All the way down to thoughts on Disney, which they went exactly one month before we did! I am ashamed to admit that I did not exemplify the grace that they did. Please allow God to minister to you too...And keep the Smith family in your prayers.


Sunny on April 8, 2008 at 11:55 AM said...

thank you.

Lisa on April 8, 2008 at 12:10 PM said...

now they are an example.
thanks for sharing.


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