Sunday, August 24, 2008


Don't you hate when you are looking forward to something, and then it gets bashed??? Disappointment. That is what it is.

I have been looking to having an Elephant Ear for almost 9 months now. Just really really really want one. To me, an Elephant Ear symbolizes all that is good and fun. Clean fun. It symbolizes that carefree feeling of youth...Sailing through the air on a Carni ride, music bubbling in the background, lights shining in the dark night, and the smell of fair food floating in the air. Are you imagining it now?

Anyhow...last night I was supposed to get an Elephant Ear. I looked forward to it all week. I even held back at dinner so I could eat it with ease. We were supposed to go spend the evening in the apple orchard, get some great apples for cooking with, and then get an elephant ear. Well, the apples were not in season yet. And they were not fixing Elephant Ears. So, I settled for a caramel apple, eating 1/2 of it and then setting it aside with disgust that it was not my beloved treat.

On a mission now...I will get an elephant ear.


Kelly on August 24, 2008 at 6:22 PM said...

You really confused me. I have never eaten an elephant ear or ever heard of such a food. I have, however, grown them in my yard and your post didn't make a bit of since until I figured out you weren't talking about a plant. LOL

sheridan on August 24, 2008 at 9:04 PM said...

LOL! I was wondering about that as well since I know about the plant. So, will you enlighten us and describe this "elephant ear"?

Lisa on August 25, 2008 at 9:43 AM said...

How funny most of your readers must not be from Indiana Annie.


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