Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Phone Down...

I am not avoiding the phone!!! Our phone adapter caught on fire yesterday! We have to wait until they send us the replacement. That could be a few days. This is the 3rd time in the past 2 weeks that our phone service has been down. Good Grief! If you need anything, please send me an email, pm, or a comment here. Sorry for being the unavailable friend. hehehehe.


Gwendolyn on October 21, 2008 at 11:36 AM said...

I hate the phone. You mean if I catch my phone on fire, I'll have a good excuse not to call anyone? Hmm. Nah...I'd probably catch my whole house on fire and my husband would be a wee bit unhappy with me.

Why can't eveyone just communicate through e-mail? It's so much simpler! LOL


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