Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Testing for

Every wonder how you would fair at the ISTEP test, at your current age? Lol. I think of silly things like this all the time. Would I be in the 50% or like 25%? Would I even be able to sit still while I finished the crazy thing?

I have been praying for all those teachers that are administering the ISTEP for the second time in one school year. Testing can be a frustrating time. VERY trying. And as uncomfortable as it is to the test administrator, I think it even more uncomfortable for the testee.

So, why do we do it? To see where we need to improve. Plain and simple. I don't know about you, but I don't want to stay in the same place mentally...the rest of my life! How boring and childlike that thinking is!

Why am I talking about testing and Istep...and all of this mumbojumbo? Because, Brian and I are going through our own ISTEP. Brian just found out on Monday that he has been laid off. Yup...we are unemployed. Weird to actually write it out. BUT, we felt it coming. Remember the post a couple of weeks ago about the rain? About how we are in the March of our lives? About how God will use this to bring us to a beautiful summer? God provided grace and mercy for us to know that something was a stirring, so we were not entirely surprised.

Will you join us in praying that this rain shower is short lived, and that Brian will have a new job soon? Can't wait to see the rainbow at the end of this storm...but while I am in it, I will yet praise Him!



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