Friday, June 5, 2009

Update to the amusing life of Annie Shaw...

I realized the other night that I had not given much of a REAL update on the blog. I try to do this occasionally, as I use my blog somewhat as a scrapbook. So, here you case you care. Which, you may totally not care. If that is the case, you have my smiling permission to stop reading now, and go look at something really cool. :)


Bri has been staying busy working on finding that next ministry. He has an interview with a church in Indiana in 2 weeks. (This will be his 4th and possibly final interview at this church). It is for the position of a Family Pastor, which suits Brian really well. He also has a few others that are out of state, but are seriously looking at him as well.

There are times that this man goes stir crazy in the house! So, he has been working at Faith some, working on the house some, and when he just can't stand it anymore...he takes one of our free movie passes, and goes to a movie.

Abs has been busy changing into a girl. Believe it or not, this little tom-boy is becoming quite girlie. She loves Pink now...which kinda drives me crazy at times. lol. She adores reading, and is starting the new "Mandy Shaw" series. Her greatest acomplishment is that she saved enough money to finish buying her "Samantha"-American Girl series. It took her almost a year to do it. She reads about 3 chapter books a week, and anything else she can get her hands on. Abs is getting really excited about moving, as it means that she will more than likely have her own room. A room that she can paint.....guess what color.... PINK. lol

Isaac...oh my boy. He is still so full of surprises. Today, he described how he was going to take his wife to Olive Garden for a date, and give her kisses, if she likes them. He described how he would love her, and that he would be "Way Momantic". Isaac is "in love" with a sweet girl named, Claire. Abbie calls her Claire Bear...but Isaac takes great offense to that. Everytime that he sees something sweet about marriage, he will say, "When I grow up and marry Claire, I am going to do that for her." He is going to make a great hubby someday!!! Other than being in love, Isaac is 100% BOY. As I type, he is hunting up his Boys Book of Survival, so that he can figure out how to kill a raccoon. lol. Isaac has also been reading for several months now. Nothing grand, but several 3 letter words. He will fly through K4 with no problems. Which is an answer to my prayers, as I feared it would be hard to teach him. Isaac does not care if we move or not...b/c that would mean leaving Claire. BUT, he still faithfully prays, 3-4 times a day, for Daddy to get a new job. Sweet boy.


I have been so busy that I have little time for much. I started teaching a coupon class last week at Faith. We currently have about 300 registered. We are working on getting the curriculum and such put together better. And, we are currently praying about starting a business with coupon presentations and such. I have also been getting things ready in the house, for the big move...whenever that happens. And, last week, we took my sister's kids (Molly, Tiege, and Katie)...which was a hoot. VBS is coming up, so Brian and I are working on that, which is great fun.

While I am so not wanting to leave Faith, I am extremely ready to move on to the next place. I am excited to see where it will be, and am having a hard time sleeping some nights thinking about it! I will lay there thinking, "Where will I be 6 months from now? I could be sleeping in Florida...or Iowa...or who knows where." It is a very strange thought...but exciting none-the-less. Praying that God sends us somewhere that is accessible to home (vain request huh) and a place that I will have good friends. Hmmmm...and, if it is not TOOOO much to ask, a place that has good couponing stores! lol.

So, that is us. We are happy, busy, and loving life. Enjoying where we are at, while we are here. BUT, ready to get the move on too!


Sue on June 11, 2009 at 2:28 PM said...

What a sweetheart your son Isaac is with his adoration of Claire and his dreams for his future :-) What a catch he's gonna be! I hope he never loses that.

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