Sunday, October 17, 2010

Baby Grace 22 weeks.

Little Gracie is 22 weeks (going on 23 now!)

She is as long as a piece of paper and weighs almost 1 lb. She gets the hiccups every day. A couple times a day. She loves to stand on my bladder with her head normally pushing against my diaphragm. Her favorite kicking time of the day is around 10pm. My little night owl.

Things are starting to look up a bit with the Remicade treatments, except for the fact that I seem to catch every little cold. Those are easier to deal with. Since she is a little on the little side...we will get to see her on ultrasound (3d and 4d!!!!!) in 2 weeks. Looking forward to that!

Cravings: ICE COLD MILK (can't have) and PECAN PIE (again, can't have! lol)


Daddy's Dream ~Mommy's Miracle on October 17, 2010 at 8:57 PM said...

You look amazing Annie!

Annie Shaw on October 18, 2010 at 12:01 PM said...

Thanks Destiny!!!!


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