Friday, August 24, 2012

Apples Apples Apples

Today, the simple joy of picking apples from our apple tree in the backyard, lightened my heart.  Simplicity is beautiful.  There was no fee, no getting dressed in special picture taking clothes, no making sure we had the diaper bag packed, no packing a fancy lunch...just picking and singing.  Isaac, the monkey of the family, did an awesome job at pulling the apples from the top branches.  He got so much pleasure out trying to land them in the basket of the apple picker.  Gracie, she thought it was magical that it was "naining appos".  (Raining apples in case you don't speak Gracie.)  Abbie, she wasn't feeling so hot, but loved sitting under the tree and looked after little Gracie Lou so she wouldn't eat the "ucky" ones.

I suppose that an apple is good for the heart.  in more ways than one!

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Humans are not my God.

Yup...I just deleted it.  I have learned that when I am tired and frustrated...I shouldn't talk or write.  I should just keep quiet, pray, and sleep for awhile.  Things always look better in the morning.  After all, tomorrow is another day!  :P

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Another Go

Life has been filled with so many ups and downs over the past year.  Honestly, some were just too unbelievable to even post.  It has been long enough since I last wrote on my blog, that the format has actually changed.  What a nice surprise to come to this fancy page to write!

Some goals for this week:

-  Fill out Menu for next week
-  Grocery shop
-  Pick up house
-  Vaccum
-  Wash Kitchen Floors
-  Pick up sticks in yard
-  Clean bedroom
-  Organize clothes
-  List 15 more items on Ebay
-  Write another blog post.  (Yes, I kinda chuckled as I wrote this.)

I have astonished myself within the past month, in the fact that I have actually been crossing things off of my lists.  I am a list maker...not a list finisher, much to the dismay of my dear husband.   I have this amazing way of writing beautiful lists, that somehow make it into the pile of papers that were intended to be gone through and thrown away.  (Which, of course, never happens either.)  So...there you have it.  I will try to come back for more frequent visits.  Afterall, this list can not be thrown into the trash, right?  Kinda out there in web-lala-land forever. 

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