Tuesday, September 10, 2013


So...I am not a faithful blogger.  I keep forgetting that this new format is MUCH easier than the old one.  Maybe I will be able to keep it up?  Maybe not?

Anyhow...life here is busy.  My baby has had kidney stones for the last week.  My active son has started soccer.  My attitude-filled pre-teen has started horseback riding and AHG.  And, my chatterbox 2 year old is potty training!  Fun times in the Shaw house.  Fun times.

Through all of this, I have been working on a town wide ladies Bible study, Brian is teaching a MMA class, homeschooling is in full swing, the ever challenging clean house looms over my head, and I have started quilting.

Our lives are filled with so many neat things.  3 years ago, I am not sure I would have been able to handle a schedule like this.  I am thankful that the Lord is gracious in giving me the energy I need to keep up.

Going to keep trying on this bloggy blog thing.  :D



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