Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Life Celebration

This might sound so incredibly morbid, and I apologize to anyone who stumbles across this and thinks, "Man that lady is CRAZY", but I need to get it out.  Recently, a young woman suddenly passed away and left behind 2 little boys and a loving husband.  While it rocked her family's world, they did find a bit of joy in their grief.  This sweet lady had written a blog post, telling her family what kind of funeral she wanted.  It was of great comfort to her family, to know that they could fulfill her wishes.  It inspired me so much, that I thought I would share some of my thoughts on the matter:

You know how when you have a funeral to go to, you dread it?  I don't want mine to be that way.  At all.  I want to have a major celebration in place of my funeral.  Not just any celebration, I want my funeral to be like Christmas...literally.  I would love to have Christmas trees, white lights, Kenny G and Bing Crosby in the back ground, candles, and sugar cookies.  I want my kids to think of how much their Momma loved Jesus and His birth.  I want them to have joy when they see twinkling lights and laugh at how I would keep the tree up all year long.  I want it to be a celebration of thanksgiving, for all of the wonderful gifts I had been given throughout my life.

As I look back on the things that I really hated concerning funerals, the awkward moment up at the coffin is my number #1.  My number #2 would be not knowing what to say to those who were grieving my death on earth.  With that in mind, I can honestly say that I am comfortable with cremation.  I would much rather everyone see my smiling face at Disney World, or my wedding day, than an expressionless form of someone who is no longer there.  I don't want my kids to remember me that way and I don't care for the idea of decaying in the ground.  Also, cremation is cheaper.  You know I like a bargain...and hate satin.  Please don't put me in a satin lined coffin.  Please.  To me, the best way to take care of #2, is to laugh.  Please feel free to have lots of laughter at my celebration.  Enjoy each other and make my husband and kids happy.  Someone please try to do Gracie's hair, as Brian doesn't have a clue there.  I would also request that someone make a rockin' mac-n-cheese and share it.  Everyone needs the gooey wonderfulness at a time like that.  Take lots of pictures and celebrate.  Celebrate that we have a wonderful and merciful God.  He has prepared me for His Glory and is preparing you for the road you must run faithfully here, until we see each other again.  Celebrate that I will be in a place much greater than Disney World and Christmas put together (can you imagine!?!).  I will be attending the most wonderful worship service ever, and I will be with my sweet babies and loved ones.  Celebrate...and be happy. 

***Came back to add:  No, I have no intentions of dying anytime soon.  ;) ***
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God's Better Plan

When Brian and I married, we intended for our kids to be rather close together in age.  When we had Abbie in 2001, we just naturally assumed we would have another child within 2 years.  I also had it in my mind that the next child would be a girl, so that she and Abbie could grow up together and be best friends.  Well...God had a different plan.  We wouldn't have another child in 2003, or 2004.  We didn't have our second child until 2005, which in the grand scheme of life, isn't as earth shattering as it seemed at the time.  When that new bundle came, it came in the form of a boy.  A boy, whom Abbie wasn't too tickled with.  She got over it, and they became somewhat of friends...but it still wasn't what I expected from life. 

Then....then came Gracie.

Gracie was born in 2011...almost 10 years after Abbie.  I figured that Gracie would grow up like an only child.  She would be lonely and feel the sadness of our infertility and losses.  But, you know what?  God had a much bigger and better plan.  He planned a perfect relationship for my girls.  He knew before my idealistic mind would be in put in motion, that these two girlies, would love each other. 

I adore looking out the window, watching them talk.  Every once in awhile, you will hear Gracie hollar for Abbie to read her a book, and Abbie has the hardest time saying no.  I often catch Abbie dressing up dolls with her little friend, watching princess shows, doing hair, and giggling.  They giggle a lot.  I love how the Lord planned their friendship, and I am thankful that He has brought me to a place where I can see the beauty in His ways being better than mine. 

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