Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Welcoming Felicity

Felicity Christmas 2009
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So This is Christmas...

christmas 2009 at pulliams
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas from The Shaw Family!

Well, the 1 week of Christmas was a success! We had a great week and made some great new family memories!

Last Wednesday, we had our family picture taken. I sent out our Christmas Card via email this year, to help save on stamps. I am sure that there were some who did not think this was such a great idea and thought it was impersonal and cold...but the 50.00 that it would have taken to mail out the 100 cards I emailed, was just not in our budget!

I thought I would post our card, and our picture here on my blog as well...It was so much fun to design the cards, and I have really enjoyed digital scrapbooking. What a fun hobby. :)

So, Merry Christmas from The Shaw Family!

If you click on the cards, you can see the larger version of them.

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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Meet Max...

Attempting to muster up a BIG Christmas spirit. For some reason, it just feels like any other time of the year. BAD... REALLY BAD! I, yes me, have only wrapped 3 gifts. Normally, they are all done by now. What is wrong with me?

So, Brian and I decided that we would do a 1 week of Christmas. Each day, we are purposely doing SOMETHING that is Christmasy.

Today, it was homade puppy treats. Instead of Christmas cookies, we are making doggie cookies for our dog loving friends.

Max, really liked the process ---thus the flour on his head! (Not quite ready for the treats yet...he is only 7.5 weeks old). So did the kids.

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Loss yet Gain.

I really love that God always provides us with exactly what we exactly the right time.

Today, was our 2 year anniversary of loosing sparkler.

I am forever reminded that I am a mommy to 13 children. It is just that 11 of them reside in Heaven instead of Earth. I share my earthly birthday with my sparkler's heavenly one. While in my finite mind, I see loosing a child as just that... a loss. BUT, through God's loving goodness, I can see my child as a gift. A gift that has drawn me closer to my mighty Lord. Through darkness...we see His light.

Today was my 31st birthday.

I am grateful for a very non-eventful year. Ok, so it was eventful in some ways. lol. I mean, Brian was laid off...and we have been interviewing everywhere under the sun. And I started my coupon business... What was I saying again? Non-eventful. Never mind. :P Seriously. These events have been so small, because God has provided all that I need to handle the situation! Exciting to see how that works!

Saturday we lost our precious Maggie dog. She was hit by a car, and it truly crushed us. But, once again...we drew closer to the Lord. I know it sounds corny thinking of a puppy dying drawing you closer to the Lord, but it did. Anytime that you are willing to allow God to teach you in situations...He will. We learned some big lessons, and I plan on adding them (as well as a few pictures of Mags).

Monday we adopted Mighty Max. He has captured our hearts beyond words. God gave us a wonderful gift by allowing Max to be apart of our life. He started healing our hurts. Max is a 5 week old Chocolate Lab. It doesn't get much cuter than that. I will add pictures of him as well.

Over all lesson learned...When we feel as though we have lost something, God gives us gain. We may so not like the gain at first. We may not see the justification of the gain. But that is just us being "human". Once you look back on that picture that God is painting, you can count your loss as gain. Simply Beautiful how He makes all things good. His good that is.
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