Monday, September 13, 2010

Chocolates and Candles...

These are the two things that I knew I would miss the most about Attica, IN. Of course, you can candles at every drugstore on the block...and Walmart does sell Cello's chocolate covered cherries every day of the year. BUT, they are not Wolf's and Brown's.

Today, I would love if my house was once again filled with the sweet and spicy smell of Cranberry Spice and Orange Clove. This is the smell that smells like home to me. It smells like walking into a warm house on a cold day, and your favorite person is there with a big cup of soup ready for a chat. Sigh.

And, while I am sure that it is banned from my list of things I am able to currently eat, I would give 1/2 of my stockpile for a box of chocolate covered cherries from Wolf's. They are just the best thing that I can think of to stick in my mouth. And, I am sure that they would help me gain my needed weight, right??? Wonder if I can get a prescription for them. HA!

So, when Brian told me today that there was a VERY good possibility of us going to Lafayette for 3 days in October, I decided that I would be driving down to Attica for some much needed smell and taste therapy! lol Only 3 more weeks!!!


Sara B said...

Are those actual pictures from Wolf's and Brown's?? You are an addict! :) Did I spell that right? It's the big Potowatomi Festival this should make a special trip. Bell is going to be in the cute baby contest IF she's having a good hair and attitude day. We'll see. :) Miss you!


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