Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Does anyone else hate doing them as much as I do???? I am off to go start them, I think that every dish in the house is dirty. It could take all day I am afraid! blllaaahhhh!


::Traci:: on February 22, 2007 at 6:56 PM said...

Me! Me! I do. I hate doing the dishes. I have to do them at chuch every Sunday night too.

Hope you got through the chore quickly!

Anne on February 26, 2007 at 12:16 AM said...

Annie!! Nice Blog!
I hate dishes too!! Every weekend every dishe, cup, plate, knife & fork gets used, and Monday rolls around to a kitchen disaster. Dishes are horrible. If I wasn't envirnmentally conscious, I'd seriously consider using disposable for everything!!!

tnthicks on March 9, 2007 at 3:42 PM said...

I'm not a fan of doing dishes, but because of Flylady, I know that it doesn't take long at all. One day I had about 3 1/2 minutes left on something in the oven, so I decided to race the timer ... and it was a tie! But I was the winner because the dishwasher got unloaded and reloaded!


Annie Shaw on March 10, 2007 at 7:37 PM said...

a dishwasher...hmmm that would be nice. did this mean that you unloaded your dh from a stack full of dishes...then loaded another stack onto his arm????


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