Monday, February 19, 2007

We got PAID!!!

Yet one more week that God provided. I believe that it was through tax returns again, but man, it doesnt matter! God can use that too! We actually had the largest offering that we have had in several months, and the lowest attendance. It was funny...we had more attending in the evening service than in the morning! We all sat on the same side of the church so that we would feel "close". It did feel close, but it was also kind of sad since there was once a time that we would not have all fit on one side of the church. It seems that there are so many leaving, and no one coming to fill their place. No one is leaving b/c of disputes or disagreements, they just know that Brian is leaving soon, and they dont want to stay w/o him. We have one family that is leaving to return home. It is just hard to watch the church dwindle down...but we know that HE can build up that which HE ordains. So, we are still waiting and watching. We are seeking Him to see what He would have us to do.
Sorry for the long note here...just to say that we got paid! Oh and I still owe pictures of Sat on here too...getting ready to add them!



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