Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Snow Snow Snow....

It is one of the prettiest midnights that I have seen in a long time. We have somewhere in between 16-21 inches of snow on the ground, and it is still going...It is quite bright, and there are not any vehicles out due to the snow emergencies...(it is actually against the law to be out on the roads!!!) Tommorow I will post some pictures of our glorious is said to be the BIGGEST snow ever to have hit our area...The Blizzard of 2007! See you tommorow...or today...aahhhh good night!


Sunny on February 14, 2007 at 8:08 PM said...

bah humbug...snow blech...I am ready for Summertime! It was pretty though. Until the plows came through. Then it turned yucky brown mush! I like your blog by the way...Very nice. See ya, and I miss ya by the way.


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