Friday, April 3, 2009

Go Get Your Papers!

Just a heads up that there will be 5---yes 5!!!!---inserts this weekend! Some really coupons in them as well. Make sure you get em'.

And here are a few sneak peaks from Meijer's sale starting Sunday.

Product here, Revlon Beauty Product—FREE or cheap
SALE: 1/2 off ad states that the starting price is .69
MQ: $1/1—03/15/09--SS
Store Doubles Yes, up to .50

Product here, Arm and Hammer Laundry Detergent ???
SALE: 1/2
MQ: $1/1—Rolling Printable
Store Doubles Yes, up to .50

Product here, Kozy Shack Pudding ??
MQ: $.35—03/29/09--SS
Store Doubles Yes, up to .50

Product here, Kraft Salad Dressing --- .16
SALE: $1.66
MQ: $1.50/1—03/29/09--SS
Store Doubles Yes, up to .50

Product here,I can't Believe It's Not Butter ---.33
SALE: $1.43
MQ: $.50/1 —03/29/09--SS
Store Doubles Yes, up to .50

Product here, French's Mustard--- Free
SALE: $1.00
MQ: $.50/1—03/29/09--SS
Store Doubles Yes, up to .50

Product here, Ore Ida Steam n Mash ---1.50
SALE: 2.50
MQ: $1/1—blinkie
Store Doubles Yes, up to .50



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