Friday, April 16, 2010

Here and Happy!

Oh how good it feels to write that! We are finally here at the new church, new town, new house. Brian is very happy and so excited about his new ministry. He is a different kind of pastor this time around, which is refreshing to me. We are much free-er to minister, if that makes any sense at all. This past week, he kept saying, "I feel like I am looking at our new environment through rose colored glasses and that it is all going to come crashing down soon." I told him that I felt that the Lord was allowing our hearts to fall in love with the area that HE sent us to. ;) Amazing gift from Him.

So, here are the highlights of this past few weeks, since I am sure you don't want to read a book. ;)

1. The church paid for all of our moving expenses and then plenty extra.

2. My in-laws came to move all the boxes!!

3. The church came to help us move all the furniture and everything else. 9 men, 6 teens, and 1 woman showed up to help. We were shocked. It took them all of 1 hour to move our little bitty house.

4. One of the men that came to help us move, did not even go to our church. He just wanted to show us he cared. How cool is that???????

5. After we moved in, a church member...who is also a neighbor...showed up with goodies! We have a cattle farm across the street from us, and he brought us a huge box of beef! We laugh everytime we eat some of it, that we are eating Bessie from next door. He also gave Brian a handful of cash to help with anything we might need.

6. On our first Sunday at the church, we had a teenager accept Christ! Her grandfather was so excited that he called us Sunday afternoon to tell us! The church was pumped. We are the first associate pastor that they have ever had, and they are excited to see what God is going to do. (Oh, and the church doubled their attendance in the past week! CRAZY!)

7. Brian got his paycheck from the church on Friday. On the front was a cute little hand stamped smiley sun. The treasurer wanted to make sure that the pastors knew she supports them. I told her how much that meant to us. She told me that she will do her best to make sure Brian NEVER feels like the church is not behind him financially. Do you know how big that is to us? Seriously HUGE! Made me cry.

So. There is my. We love country life, love our new house like mad, and are so excited to be in the ministry again!



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