Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Well...I had to go in to the ER today to have a few things checked out.

I really don't like our new hospital. It is old and unprofessional. I think I could have ran the tests better myself. lol

That being said, here is what they found:

1. Dr came in and looked at my belly. Asked if I was 5 months pg. I told him not even 5 weeks. lol. He said that was a problem.

2. High blood pressure and high pulse which lead them to do an EKG...came back slightly abnormal but within range. Dr also thought he heard some fluid in/around lungs?

3. I have gained 10 lbs in 2 weeks.

4. My HCG more than doubled! YAY!

5. Did an ultrasound and they would not show me the screen. Do you know how incredibly torturous this is to someone who has had multiple early losses??? When the tech left the room...I was half tempted to grab the wand and look myself. I didn't...but was sooooo tempted. The result of the ultrasound was mild ohss and 1 beautiful sac with forming yolk. The dr thought the tech said there might be a second one, but he could not confirm. Seriously????

So...14 viles of blood later and several hours...I am told that baby seems well. Stay off my feet as much as possible. Drink a lot. And check in with my OBGYN next week or sooner if things worsen. I could have told myself almost all of that. lol.

Good news though: Baby is GREAT so far!


Annie on June 17, 2010 at 10:08 PM said...

With HCHG high levels maybe is a multiple pregnancy, what a blessing.


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