Monday, September 10, 2012

Sometimes...I feel like this:

Today, I really don't like homeschooling.  I am so incredibly tired.  The battle of a certain daughter's attitude is waging like a 10 year war.  A lovely little one year old is enjoying making a mess of every room she enters.  The sound of my children's voices are no longer sweet...they are grating on my ears like a fork on a china plate. 

QUIET.  I would love just some quiet.  I wish I was the mom that drops her kids off at school, then goes and gets groceries and a cup of coffee while smiling dearly at the cashiers.  I would love to clean my kitchen and not have to worry that everyone else is ruining the other room I just picked up.  I would love to not hear "mom" for just 1 hour.  Just 1 hour.

A man at our parenting conference said this weekend, "My wife would love to homeschool, but I won't let her.  I want my wife when I come home from work, and I know that she will be a different person to be around if she homeschooled."  HOW TRUE!   I can not tell you how many women have said to me, "It must be nice to not have to do anything all day, every day."  I kinda wanna strap them to a highchair for 10 hours and make them watch a video of "A day in the life of Annie".  Yes, that would be nice.  And maddening.  lol

Ok, so now that my rant is over, I need to get up and get dinner ready and then take a certain young lady to her event tonight.  And, I need to start counting.  Some blessings that is.  After all, every day is not like this.  Many days, I find to be downright enjoyable.  But, just isn't.  Today was the burnt corner of the brownie. 


Unknown on September 14, 2012 at 10:40 PM said...

I'm so glad my Annie is back! I have truly missed your insightful posts! Love you sis! Glad your back


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