Sunday, March 1, 2009

Bring It On...

Sadness: the emotion I discovered that was in my heart about 20 minutes into our Sunday School lesson.

Peace: the emotion I discovered that was in my heart about 20 minutes into worship service.

Explanation: Today, Pastor Doug---our Pastor Doug---informed us in Sunday School that he would be resigning from his position in July. He is moving on to be a Senior Pastor, and while I am excited for him, I am so sad for us. I have come to really respect and honor this man. He has become a shepherd to us, a man that I can trust. Brian and I both truly love him. He has assisted us in a transition time in our life. We will be forever grateful to him. So, this news really hit us. Saddened us. And made me realize that my time at my beloved church, was probably short lived as well. I will be saying good bye at some time in the future as well. It took my breath away to think of that day. The thought of change made me anxious and cry like a ninny, which is a sin...and I repented.

So...repented... I was sitting in worship service, trying to gather myself. And just like one of those screens that flash messages across them...The words flew on, "Bring me anything that brings You glory. Jesus bring the rain." And like that, my heart was flooded. With Peace. As long as I veiw my next journey as a walk in His refreshing rain, I can walk in Peace. I long to please bring Him glory, and while the next step in life may not be easy, it will be His step. And thus it will be beautiful.

As for Pastor Doug, he too is stepping into a beautiful path. As he put it, he is in the "July" of life. He is in the excellent summer, and we are happy for him. And while I so desperatly want to be out of this "March" (you know, the month that it is not really winter, not really spring...just kinda "What is it going to be like today" month), I so love being here too. After all... March, April, and May are our rain months. They produce growth. is to growth. And to a great teacher.


Jamie and Jamie Johnson on March 1, 2009 at 8:26 PM said...

Thanks for sharing your heart with us! You are truly a wonderful friend! Jamie gal

andrea on March 2, 2009 at 11:23 AM said...

what a beautiful post! yup im in tears!


i'm ready to grow this month too!

love ya


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