Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Last week, our little family had the Stomach Flu. After not eating for several days, we were STARVING...and BORED!

So, because I have the bestest hubby in the whole world, we took off for Lafayette to get a Steak N Shake treat. Don't ask why, but it was what we were craving! The Surprise part of it? It was at 10:30 at night. Lafayette is a 45 min drive. How is that for spontaneous?

I love times like these. I know that these simple memories will be ones that the kids will think on when their kids come around. They will also jump in the car...late at night...for a chili!


Glenda on January 27, 2010 at 9:35 PM said...

Love you !!
Surprises are nice, aren't they!


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