Thursday, August 26, 2010


I have been waiting for these days since the beginning of July. Crisp, Cool Air. Air that carries the smells of the surrounding area. The smell of the sweet corn behind my house. The smell of the Persimmon Tree. The smell of the grass growing wildly around my little pond. That AIR! This summer has been so hot and humid that the air only carried heavy smells that just made me sick. Today, windows are open...and the air is here!

Days like this are clothes line hanging days. They are playing baseball barefoot in the backyard days. They are days that will likely end with a bonfire in the backyard. Days that carry children's giggles through your open windows. They are the days that you Praise the Lord for the glorious end of Summer and the transition into fall. Mmmmmm. I think change of the seasons is one of the best gifts God could give us.

Now, off to hang out the next line of laundry. Good thing we have a 3 liner and LONG line. All linens and pillows are getting washed today. Mmmmmm. Seriously no word to describe that feeling other than...MMMMMMMmmmmm.


Daddy's Dream ~Mommy's Miracle on August 26, 2010 at 11:34 AM said...

I agree this is the best weather!!!! And it helps a summer pregnancy seem a little easier :)

Annie on August 28, 2010 at 10:43 PM said...

We need fresh air here, is so HOT.


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