Sunday, August 8, 2010

Just to remember...

Sometimes, I have to write things down, just so I can remember them later. And, Isaac funnies are one of those things that I have to write down.

Yesterday, he just walked up to me and said, "I was thinking of taking up whistlin', but I don't think I would be 'sussessful' at it." What a silly guy.

It always amazes me at how the Lord fit that boy to his name. At times I wish that his name meant: hard worker, obedient one, or super careful. But, he fits "laughter" to a tee. I knew he would be an Isaac before I even knew I was carrying him. I had read a scripture verse on a rather low day, and it talked about the child of promise. He was mine.


Glenda on August 8, 2010 at 3:22 PM said...

He's such a blessing. on August 16, 2010 at 10:54 AM said...

What a joy! :) God blows me away day after day. Thank you for sharing not only Isaac's laughter, but the story behind his name. {hug}
I keep similar logs of a few of my cute kids sayings at


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