Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Praise Him

Remember what our purpose in life is??? Can you put it into to one word? Try this word: GLORIFY. or...Try this one: PRAISE.

Hmmm...how many of us are doing either one? Seriously. I was extremely convicted last week during worship service. We read a Psalm together, don't know which one since that was 1.5 weeks ago, but it talked about the need that God's creation has to Praise Him. And the desire that God has to hear that praise. I don't know why, but it really struck something in my heart. I was standing there singing and praising at that moment. And I remember thinking at that moment, "God must love to hear His loved ones sing words of PRAISE to Him." I mean, don't we all love to be complimented? God loves it even more. He is a jealous God...who loves when HIS children LOVE HIM. That sends chills up my spine just typing it. God is pleased for us to Praise Him, and angry when we ignore His Goodness.

Today, I was jumping in the car to drop some things off in the mail. I hear the bells of the church down the street tolling. They were pounding out, "Praise God from Whom all blessings flow." At first, my heart was warmed by it. And I thought, yes, Praise God! Then, my heart turned to the guys walking into the bar down the street...I could see them from where the car was parked. They could hardly stand upright as they entered in to get more to drink. My heart was sickened. I thought, here this doxology is ringing out into our town, and these people have no desire to offer anything of themselves to their Creator. I was mad. And then convicted yet again. I am no better than they. In fact, I wonder if at times I am worse. I am a believer. I KNOW better. To him that knoweth to do good...and doeth it not....to HIM IT IS SIN. I know my purpose in life. I am to Praise and Glorify. I do both miserably each day.

But, I am determined to be better. I want to shine with His glory. I want my mouth to speak His praises. I want to shout Thanksgivings...and it be all about Him. Because it should be.



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