Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Today, I awoke to no morning sickness...and feeling rather good. I sighed a big sigh, and then panic washed over me. Wait, no morning sickness...I wonder if something happened. I worried a little off and on for about 2 hours. Then, I ate some Reeses Puff cereal. Worry was over. LOL!

All that worrying did alert me to the fact that we have done a crummy job of celebrating this sweeties life. I am getting ready to turn 9 weeks, and I have done very little for she/he. So, we celebrated a little and went to Walmart to buy it an outfit. Isaac picked out an entire (I mean 12 piece set) of boys clothes, but I found a cute little sundress on the clearance rack. Sorry sweet one if you are a boy. I will have to save the outfit for someone else if that is the case.

I also decided that I needed to start keeping better track of the pregnancy. I mark all of Abbie and Isaac's achievements, I should be better at marking their little siblings too! So...today...sweet one is the size of a large Olive! Don't like olives, never have. But, I will say that they do have the salty effect that I crave EVERYDAY! Maybe I should try them now, who knows! The baby has darling little hands and feet with fingers and toes.



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