Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What have I been up to???

Well...Haven't posted much on here lately. I have found that I am afraid to say much, afraid of how it might be taken. I am learning and growing in some great ways, and just don't feel that I can be real and open about them. So, I started a private blog to write about those. Most of my learning things will be there. This blog will be for updates on the Shaw Family and praises. So as to not BOG anyone with the BLOG...lol!

Anyhow...here is the update for the week:

1. We got the yuckies. Kind of a cold flu type thing. Seems to be moving into more of the cold, and flu seems to saying goodbye, but still can not stay off the potty. Funny...you would think that one would loose weight when potting this much. Pity.

2. House has stayed clean for 3 weeks. Granted, we were gone for one of those weeks. But, hey, that is almost 1 month!!!!

3. I am taking a great class at church called, "Renewed Lives". It is wonderful so far. Lots of homework, which I need to keep me on track. It deals with renewing your heart and mind for better service to Him. Great things. I will be starting the accountability group soon also. I might need to wait until Brian either gets a better job, or Abbie is done with T-Ball, as we are already driving up 4 times a week as it is. ;)

4. The Passion Play is this week. I LOVE being a part of the goings on of Easter. I think that when you make Easter all about a day to dress up and get candy and go to Church even, you take away from the realness of it. At the church that I grew up in, we did a Passion Play each year. I was in it from the time I hit Freshman...It was like celebrating Easter every time that we practiced. And then for the 4 nights of the performance. This year, we will celebrate Easter on Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat, and Sun. I love it. If anyone needs tickets, let me know!

---That is this week in a nutshell. Hope you have an awesome time of "renewal" as you celebrate what Christ has done for you!!!!----


Niki on March 18, 2008 at 10:06 PM said...

You are in my prayers. And if you BOG anyone down with your BLOG, then they don't need to read! You certainly don't bog me down!

Lisa on March 19, 2008 at 10:10 AM said...

You are so true.
I think she puts way to much thought into what other people are thinking.
If they don't want to be a part of her life and that includes pain sometimes then don't read it.
But the rest of us love her and want to read and pray for her.

Annie Shaw on March 20, 2008 at 9:23 AM said...

Ahhhh...You girls are too sweet. I really am just opting out of "talking out my feelings". I have been super convicted over it, and decided to talk them out where no one else would see!

I will still share here some too...just not as much emotional garbage that I as a woman tend to unload on loving friends.

Thanks again for your sweet comments.


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