Monday, August 25, 2008

And For Kelly---

Yes Kelly, Dan was close. An Elephant Ear is similar to a Funnel Cake, but heavier? It is like sweet, fried dough. And then cinnamon and powder sugar sprinkled on top. I think the cinnamon sets it apart also. An Elephant Ear is more condensed than a Funnel Cake. While the Funnel Cake is somewhat airy.

Ok...I know my sweets too well huh?

Oh---and the picture of the plant version, was not taken at my house. ;) Just one that I randomly grabbed off of Google. lol. Although, we did have an Elephant Ear plant at the house that I lived in as a child. My sister's and I would cut down the ears and "eat" them in our outhouse "playhouse". And read that right. Our playhouse was a reformed outhouse. The largest outhouse on the block! It was a 4 seater! And the holes were filled with cement, so don't get sick just yet. I just thought that I would add that bit of info for those germafobas out there. I can only imagine Melanie L. gagging right now!!!


Jodi on August 25, 2008 at 11:13 PM said...

Are Elephant Ears an Indiana and Illinois thing? I knew EXACTLY what you were talking about...of course, we did go to school in the middle of NO WHERE! LOL

Jessie on August 26, 2008 at 12:11 PM said...

Well, in Quebec, they would be known as beaver tails and around the beach and fairs in Ma and NH they would be known as fried dough...YUM, esp with butter and cinnamon sugar!

Kelly on August 26, 2008 at 3:03 PM said...

Can you bundle me up one and over night it because it sure does sound good! Thanks for the clarification on the outhouse. I was making a mental note to comment about it! :p


PS Thanks for the entry dedicated just to me.

Annie Shaw on August 26, 2008 at 3:15 PM said...

LOL--You are so very welcome Kelly. See, you are well liked! :wub: <---the likelihood that anyone OFF of HP, will know what that looks like, is slim!

Annie Shaw on August 26, 2008 at 3:16 PM said...

And Beaver tails eh? I think fried dough has to be the most accurate description. And the one that keeps people from gagging.


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