Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Christmas Presents...

I have already bought 7. Isn't that amazing??? I can not believe the early start I am getting.

Isaac found one of them though. He was really excited about it, until Abbie informed him of what happens to the present after little eyes spy it. ----IT GETS THROWN AWAY--- Abbie experienced this first hand. One year, she peeked on purpose, and saw her Biggest present and a small one. I threw away her small one right in front of her eyes. Watching her cry. (Talk about tough love.) I then told her that I would talk to Daddy to see if he felt we should throw the big one away too. We told her she would have to wait until Christmas to see if we had or not.

So, today, when I brought in that big bag, Isaac promptly ran to his room. Good Boy.

Now...the hard part. Restraining myself from giving the gifts early! One of them I really want Abbie to have...and it was the cheapest! $.69 to be exact. Gotta love a gift that a kid will LOVE, that cost less than a BUCK!



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