Sunday, January 6, 2008

Boy...I have a lot to Reflect on.

But for safety issues...not going to do it all here.

I can say that the past 7 years have been a huge roller coaster ride. There were times that felt like the ride was going 0-60 in 6 seconds. There were times that it felt that we were riding the "Beasty" with lovely little bumps. Then, there were times that we were at the top of the hill, not able to look down and see what was ahead, and then all of a sudden, God was holding us in the air in an impossible position. (At least seemed impossible to us) There were times that it felt like we were going to crash right into the attendant at a whopping speed of 100mph! There were times that we were upside down with our eyes closed...trying hard not to pee our pants. And there were times that we squealed with glee for the JOY that we discovered as we served other people! Times like these were watching a child get saved, a man recover from drug addiction, an entire family coming to the Lord...Babies being daughter got saved and baptized! There were plenty of squeals! And plenty of slams and scares. Plenty of leaps of faith...

It has been a grand ride. But one that I am also glad to be now stepping off of. We will willingly jump on another one as soon as God shows us which one, but for now...our feet are on the ground. And I am going to eat some Elephant Ears lol!

This Picture was taken exactly 1 week before we took New Hope!


Nicky on January 8, 2008 at 11:38 AM said...

I can sense relief and happiness in your tone and it does my heart good. You and Brian are "held" that's for sure!


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