Newsflash to me.
Tonight was open house at Faith for children's ministries. We were able to talk with the teachers about the progress our children are making, and areas that they need some work. If you want to really know how your children are doing, ask someone else, who is more objective.
So, the news on Absie Gabs. She is excelling! Bravo Abs. Her teacher told us that she presents herself as one of the OLDEST in the class (it is 1st and 2nd graders) Abbie technically should still be in Kindergarten, so this is a HUGE deal. We have been trying to figure out if she needed to be kept back or if she could move on next year. With the exception of some Math issues, she is at a 2nd grade level right now. (she is about 2 months behind on math) The male teacher heard what we (the female teacher and I) were talking about, and came up to me. He held in his hand, Abbie's work and another child's work. Proving that Abbie had it on. She keeps up and surpasses the second grade readers of the class. (Which I already knew) I was very concerned with how she acted with others in her grade, since they were a year older than she. They told us that she was a natural born leader, and was always concerned with doing what was right. She has made friends, but more importantly, she does right by the kids around her. The female teacher said that she looks to find ways to encourage non-participators. And also said that she has nothing but utmost respect for her teachers. They had not one poor thing to say about her. For some reason, I am remembering the Abbie that would throw fits and tell people no at the old Brady St church. I guess those long frustrating years of training that strong will are paying off now...although it is a daily thing, and we will keep on it.
Now on to Isaac...hmmmm. To my surprise, it was a fair report. Not the smashing review that Abbie received, but not horrible either. He is doing great with all learning skills. One of the first to answer questions and to memorize the verses. But, that little guy won't sit still! He has issues with wanting to climb everything. Typical of a 3 year old boy I am sure, but needs some training. The teacher said that he has never required more than an, "Isaac, this is time to be quiet and sit still." And every time he is reprimanded, he is very submissive, they say. Quick to apologize...just quick to forget~ So, I guess that we have some opposite issues to work with him on. Abbie was all about the non-submission. Isaac has that down, but doesn't have his BOTTOM down! :P His schoolwork will be back to getting him to sit still again. As hard as it is to hear that your child is not perfect, I am grateful for the opportunity to see him in a different light. If I only look at my child through the eyes of the partial...he will not grow. And that would be so sad.
So, I left tonight feeling like I had succeeded in something. I have really been concerned with whether or not I am doing well by Abbie, and I think that is normal and healthy in some ways. But, now, I can look at her with correct vision. And Isaac, he will have that training that all 3 year olds get. But you know what??? Discipline is a good thing. It will better him. And me.
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