Monday, October 13, 2008

Mmmm mmmm Good.

You know that awesome feeling of eating warm, creamy Campbell's soup on a cold day? When the kitchen is toasty and the windows are all frosted up. And you put the bowl up to your face to slurp from it??? And the steam causes condensation on your nose? That mmm mmm good feeling??? I felt that yesterday. Pretty much all day. And not because it was toasty cool and we ate soup (which we did).

Services were just amazing. Everytime I question why we are in Lafayette, and why we are not in the ministry full time, God answers back with that mmmm mmmm good feeling. Ok, technically, I was not "feeling" good, I hurt so bad I was sick to my tummy. BUT, my heart was feeling the soup. Amazing worship time. Incredible speaker in Sunday School. The Holy Spirit was as thick as Tomato soup. You could just feel His precense moving and directing. I loved it. I soaked it in like the warmth of the steam coming off my Campbells. There were times yesterday that I felt that I could not take anymore conviction and intamacy with God, and then the more came anyhow. Truly a wonderful feeling.

We had a soup dinner afterwards. Yummy stuff. I made Zuppa da Buppa---ok, so it is really called Zuppa Tuscana, but I think Zuppa da Buppa is more fun to say. The kids had a ball.

Saturday, we were suprised by a visit from long lost Jeremy and Leah!!!! Yipppppeee. It was wonderful to see Brian and Jeremy together. As soon as they saw each other, they embraced in an embrace that would remind you of Jonathan and David. And we really enjoyed being together, despite the crazy bees and the undercooked hamburgers.

I am continually thrown off by how happy one can be. I regret the years of unhappiness in my life. I have been very aware of learning how to never be in that place again. God has brought us out of Eygpt. I will strive to not be a grumbling Israelite and ask God why we are traveling in the wilderness right now. I will strive to keep this mmmm mmmmm good feeling all the days of my little life. Tomato soup is worth the strife.


The Baker Family on October 14, 2008 at 7:05 AM said...

Great post. Wasn't ABF wonderful? We were all so engaged! I love it when the Holy Spirit works like that.

Have a happy day!


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