Friday, October 24, 2008

Traaaadddiiitttioooonnn.... Tradition!

Yes, Insert the Fiddler On The Roof music there. :P

Abbie and I revived an old Pulliam tradition today. It was the first time in our house.

As a child, we would always have a "party" ---or at least that is what it seemed like to me---whenever it was time to get our winter and summer clothes down. We always stored them in the Attic. Mom would turn on music, we girls would shout with glee over our long lost favorite shirt, and then fight over who it really belonged to. We would run our clothes back to our rooms, and I am sure that it was the ONLY time in the year that we were excited about putting out clothes away! Then, we would wear that fuzzy black sweater with the bright colored shapes (thinking about Nicky's sweater that we envied and then the glorious day that she passed it down!)

Today, was our very first day of getting the clothes out. In the past years, I have always just stored them in the closet, and the kids clothes would be sold on Ebay, since they had outgrown them. This year, Abbie actually had clothes. Isaac had a small pile, but they all look too small. Abbie thought it was just the neatest thing in the world, and asked if we could do it again next year. Lol. I told her of course. We have to get the summer stuff out in the spring! is to another great fall tradition!


Nicky on October 24, 2008 at 3:44 PM said...

I love that sweater! Mom made us watch Fiddler on the Roof so many times that I've blocked it from my memory. Don't ever hyptnotize me! (sp?) I don't want to remember.


Kelly on October 25, 2008 at 9:15 AM said...

What a wonderful memory and tradition you are starting for your kids.


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