Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Airplane Tickets: $384.00

Mustang Convertible: $200

Awesome 4bdrm Condo in a Resort Village: $300

Telling your kids you are taking them to Disney World: PRICELESS

If you haven't figured it out yet, we are going to Florida. Day after tomorrow. I thought I would just surprise most of the world with this news as I know that there are a few out there that would be shaking your heads at this. And believe me, we took your shaking heads into consideration when making this decision. I promised myself and Brian that I would not let shaking heads take away my excitement! It all boils down to this: Brian will be taking a job where he will not get vacation for at least a year, if not 2. All of us have been a little on the stressed side for the last few years. We prayed about it, read up on Dave, and decided to tell part of our money to go toward vacation. We will have other "Dave" things taken care of too. So don't worry about that... ;) And it is really cool how God has put this all together. We got great deals on EVERYTHING! The picture of the resort is exactly where we are going. It normally rents for $900 a week, and it just so happened that they had a cancellation and wanted to book it cheap for us! Yipppeee! 4bdrm 4bath...We won't wanna leave!!! So, if you don't hear from me for a week or so, you will know why! We are in paradise land and won't be back till after the 8th!

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Monday, February 25, 2008

Response to Water and Cream...

Ok, I normally don't use my blog to "talk" with my friends. One reason being that I have ladies from all steps of life and all over the world that read my blog. Family that sees me every once in a blue moon, missionary friends, worldwide Hannah's Prayer friends, and local friends...all check in on the Blog. So with that said, if you think that I am ever directing a comment to YOU...Think of the song, "You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you!" LOL...ok, that was a mean streak...and I AM TOTALLY am teasing! If I don't use your name in the blog as so and so check this point out...I probably am not talking directly to you.

But, today I was getting ready to hop on here to write all about what an awesome experience we had worshiping yesterday, when I read another blog about our church. I won't use her name as she would turn 18 shades of a lovely color of red, pink, and even some purple around the ears... :) I thought, man, should I write how happy we are with the church and how much we are learning and growing...when she just wrote how watered down it is? Will it make me look like a featherweight in the faith??? Well, I decided that since I am journaling my growth over the next couple months, I don't care if I look like a featherweight. In fact...with the fact that I can't seem to budge one more ounce off of this body...featherweight sounds kinda nice!!! are the things that I loved about Faith yesterday, and learned at Faith yesterday...featherweight as they may be:

1. In Sunday School we learned that God has a plan for salt. We learned that He ordains His salt to be exactly where it needs to be. If it is truly salt. If you are pepper at the time, He will not put you in an environment to season others for HIS good...YOU will season them with your pepper instead. I liked this.

2. I learned that we need to be surrounded by others that will provide flavor, preserve us, and promote thirst for The Fount. I think that Brian and I have spent entirely too long trying to be salt when we were not around enough salt. The only salt that we were around, were the people that we were giving salt too. lol. It kinda tastes the same. We need a variety of salt. Seasoned Salt, Garlic Salt, Sea Salt, and regular ol' Table Salt.

3. We learned that a relevant life is one of a significance and demonstratable bearing on the issue at hand. To be relevant to a big world, we must get past our little environments. How many of us ladies think, well we are impacting our kids, our friends, and our families...that is enough. WRONGO! That is not what God wanted. CHRIST says, "You are the salt of the Earth...You are the light of the World." (Matt 5:13-16) Not, you are the salt and life of Attica, Indiana, your home, or even the United States. The entire world. What are we doing each day that is significant in God's kingdom...that will have a lasting tidal wave ripple throughout the lands?

4. Light defines Christianity. If you live a life that is darkened. Where you do not show that you are a Christian to others...then you are failing as a Christian. One of our leaders said it this way, "The first thing someone should know about you is who you follow." How many of our thoughts, actions, and even BLOGS do this? In your little ditty on the know where you introduce yourself...would people have to look hard to figure out that you follow GOD!?!?!?!

5. Light is Unashamed...title says it all.

6. Ok, going back to #1. We walk into service a little late b/c our ABF was learning and enjoying the lesson a little too much. God, Himself, ordained two salts to sit together. Out of a big big church, Brian and I sit down next to Marney. Marney and I had been emailing this week about the Passion Play. I had never met Marney. I got her name and email from one of the pastors. During announcements, we learned that we were both getting excited about the play...then realized that we had been talking! It was such a GOD THING! In fact, we both said that at the exact same time. Wanna know what else? Marney is a Kindergarten teacher. She leads children's choir too. Just thought that it was so very awesome how God would ordain that.

7. We learned some new songs yesterday. Loved them. I love that I can sit in worship service with NO inhibitions. No one is going to look at me and wonder what I am thinking as I have tears coming down my face while I am praising my God.

8. I learned that in order to be content, we must be about God's plan for accomplishing His work. (By the way---sidenote...I learned in the car on the way home the difference between those who Learn...and those who just listen...and those who just hear.) Pastor Viars struck a chord in me about people who argue and stir up things instead of accomplishing the plan before me. I have already been learning this...thus the staying off the phone so much as I have very little self control when it comes to this area. But, it was a different perspective.

9. I love that we serve under a Pastor who can admonish his people firmly. The church failed in an area...and he was hard on them, making NO apologies for their behaviors. Brian turned to me and said, "We will not allow that to happen again." We failed to take ownership in our church. We treated Faith like so many treated New Hope. We had a responsibility to be at the event, and did not go. I like that. We may not have a lot of one on one accountability, but man...our conscious was sure pricking us yesterday.

10. I love that as I stood outside the dressing room that Brian and Isaac were in, I heard this sweet song coming out, "Good morning God, this is your day, I am your child, show me your way." The person next to them hollered back, "That was a good job little man." To which Isaac hollered back, "Thanks, I lurned it at chuch. You go to chuch? ( is misspelled on purpose...that is how he says it! Guess even Isaac can be relevant huh?

So---now that I have typed out an entire page on here...I will let my hands go be relevant in my house today. Cleaning cleaning cleaning...Hope you have a great day!
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Update to update...

Brian got offered the job he interviewed for today. They want him to start Monday, but will let him give his 2 week at his other job. It is not the greatest pay, in fact, he would make about 5,000 less than he did last year. But, he would not have to drive, which will save us 3,000 a year! lol So not that great of a burden...just not an increase. And it will keep us in Attica for awhile which is fine for the next few months...but we are jumping to move from here!

So...what will we do? We have until Monday to decide. He is going to go to the other 3 interviews and see how they go. If they go well, then he might not take this one...if they go horrible, then he will have to take this one! But, for now, he has a job! Just thought you would all want to know.
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An Update

For those who are faithful to ask every day or so about the job is some juicy news!

Brian has 4... yes..
. 4 interviews this week! One at a place close to home. 2 in Lafayette. And one for the railroad. If one...just one of the 4 would hire him on at a rate that we could live on. Oh, how that would be so nice. We also have a lead for a job that Brian would just be rolling on the ground happy with. It is an investigator's position for a lawyer. The lawyer asked if he could stay in contact with Brian over the next month or so, he will be hiring sometime in March or April. Good news all around. Just gotta make it through the next few weeks, and finances will be a little brighter.
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And for now...

It is finished. I wanted something happy...too much neutral in this world! Gotta have something that POPS!
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Blog under construction...

Just wanted you to know if you see some crazy stuff going on here for the next 24 hours...THE BLOG is under construction ;)
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Monday, February 18, 2008

Gone With The Wind...

For years, this movie has been one of my favorites. I love the ways of life then. I love the clothes, the big mansions, the lazy afternoon teas, the balls...all of it. I always wondered who I would be in that movie. I wish that I could say that I was a Melanie...I don't quite measure up. I have bits of Scarlett in me, but thankfully, not a lot. Not as nice as Melanie...not as spoiled as Scarlett. lol. Hmmm...stinks that I didn't have a role in the movie! lol.

Tonight I watched the movie again. I got a kick out of all the old phrases that normally bring a smile to my face. "You need to be kissed, kissed good and long, and by somebody who knows how." "I won't think about that today, I will think about it tomorrow." "Tomorrow is another day." "As long as I live, I will never go hungry again." All these make me smile... But, tonight I heard a line from my beloved Rhett that I never noticed before. As Rhett left his cherished Atlanta home and his darling Scarlett, Rhett makes this statement, " I want peace. I want to see if somewhere there isn't something left in life of charm and grace." I love that. I too am on a journey to see if there is charm and grace left in this world. Haven't seen much of it lately. Very few people and experiences have left me with the flavor of charm and grace...and I am sure that I have left very little flavor of it myself. That will change. Tomorrow is another long as I live, my family will never go hungry...and I will find that Charm and Grace that is left in this world. I can't wait to say that I am Gone With the Wind...Gone from not only Attica, but also from this world...where I will find perfect Grace and Charm!
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And The Pink Chair is GONE!

G-O-N-E Gone...The dreadful pink chair that everyone fought to sit in. The beloved chair that I sat in the night before I delivered both of my little ones. The chair that I watched my best friend rock my oldest in when she was so so sick. The chair that was home to Grande #1. The chair that I slept in for a week after my surgery because it was too painful to sit anywhere else. The chair that was just so ugly that we could no longer keep it. :(

After 6 years in this house, the couch is finally not in the same place. lol. And neither is the Red Chair. For that matter, none of the family room is in the same place. Couch is lengthwise in the middle of the room, facing the window that the tv was on. The red chair is in the corner where the Christmas tree once stood. The tv is in the corner where the couch used to be. And the end table and rocking chair sit in front of the couch window and beside the door. There are new DARK velvet red pillows on the couch. Handmade by me for the awesome cost of $2.89. (Cheap Walmart fabric!) Things have been very busy here. The family room has had a face lift. I don't like it yet. Course I hate change. It is not me. Brian on the other hand...loves the room, and the change. Did you know that I hate change???? Speaking of which...I miss my chair.
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Thursday, February 14, 2008

And this is love???

Of course today is Valentine's Day. And though there are days that I wanna just blow up Brian's nose and stick a pencil in his ear, I love the man very much. I know...I one (including myself) is used to hearing me talk mushy about my man...but today it feels as though God would want me to do so. I feel convicted that I don't more often...So, I here I go!

Top 10 Things I Love About Brian:

1. His Nun-chuck Skills

9. The fact that he can not smell. (A real life saver with diapers and other nasty messes!)

8. He is a GREAT dad.

7. He has the most unique sleeping habits...I love that he can sleep through anything, talks in his sleep, walks in his sleep...and does some other things too! :P

6. He is our spiritual leader. Always try to make su
re that we are where we need to be with our Lord.
5. I love that he loves my family.

4. His awesome sense of style! lol...hahaha.. He took his ginormo
us glasses off for this picture.

3. That he can say everything when he says nothing.

2. That he is my #1 Dork...always making me look better. hehehe...

1. That he is my beloved and I am his...

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Bail Has Been Posted...

Jack Dog is home. Silly dog! And, they did not even charge us a fee. I guess a Police man jumped the gun (hehehe play on words) and took Jack in. He was within view of our house, stones throw away, and had only been out for a few minutes. No one had called in to report him or anything like that. So, they said that he was ok.

We had a good weekend. Spent too much of our precious "extra" money. Brian, Isaac, and I had received some money for our birthday's, and we spent some of it. It made us feel guilty for spending. But, Brian and I did FINALLY get a date. My parents watched the kids while we drove around Indy. This was our first date in over a year. Amazing! We actually had a lot of fun. So did the kids!

We went to church yesterday of course. I LOVE our church. Can I say that enough? I really enjoyed Sunday School yesterday. Our lesson was on Faith. It was great. Wheels began turning in mine and Brian's heads and hearts. We also met a wonderful couple. They are on deputation for the mission's field. They will be going to Cape Verde, Africa. Our hearts went out to this couple. The zeal that they had for the ministry reminded us of how we were when we started in the ministry. It kind of showed us that we can have that excitement again, but this time it will be with wisdom. Last time we had such an excitement, but not the know how of what to do with it. I think that sometime off of the ministry is going to help some reviving of that excitement. Brian said it well, "The longer and further we are from the heartache of the past 7 years, the more excited we will be for the next 7 years!" I think that is true. Anyhow, it was a privilege to meet this young couple just starting their journey. And it will be great to share in their journey over the future! and insightful weekend was had.
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Friday, February 8, 2008

What a Week...

It has been a busy one! But, got all my work done this week. ;) We have to fix the car broke down on Wednesday. And my friend Sara's baby shower is tomorrow, so I have to make some time to get to that!

AND ...

Puppy Jail that is...He broke out of the fence and got caught this time. Isaac was very upset, so Brian explained that Jack was a bad boy. He ran away, and the police found him and took him to doggy jail. We will have to go pay bail for him tomorrow. Hoping that it is cheap! Keeping fingers crossed...

Prayer requests...
Brian tested today for another job. When he went in, they told him that he qualified for 2 more positions and asked for him to apply. He applied for them both. One of the jobs is a job with the railroad. He would really love to have this job, and the pay is excellent. It will be a sacrifice for us as a family since he will be gone quite a bit, but we can handle that for a few years. Anyhow...just remember us in your prayers. Hoping that one of the three jobs will work!

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Sunday, February 3, 2008


Man Alive...

I AM BORED! (Maybe I should go put a blanket on Jack huh???) In my isolation...a lot has been accomplished. Floors all swept, bathroom cleaned, Christmas all taken down, office cleaned, Dining room cleaned, Family room cleaned, backroom cleaned, and almost done with the dishes. But, I still have some more to go. I am tired of being in this house though, and have just enough of the blahs that I dont want to wash my hair to go to the only place in town that I have money to spend at (CVS of course!). So, do I finish my list? Or just sit here? Thinking of just sitting here. heheheheehe...

I still have:

Bedroom to pick up
Vacuum all the carpet
Finish Kitchen
Wash Bathroom and Kitchen floors.

Surely I can get one of these done today...which one should I do???
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A Boy and His Dog


They are so much fun at times. Isaac is in isolation right now. No going one coming in. So, he has been rather BORED! He has taken up a friend though. Jack. Our loving 90 lb boxador (boxer lab mix) . Jack is the most loving dog. He lets Isaac do anything to him. He lets Isaac lay on, chase him, kiss him...and Jack does all of the same to Isaac. ;) Today, I just happened across this scene. Somehow, twinkle twinkle star blankey ended up on Jack...and Boris Boris the bear bear (yes, that is the teddies name) ended up under the paws of a Jack dog. Isaac had tucked him in.
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Saturday, February 2, 2008

Never Happy...

A not so secret about Annie Shaw...

I am never happy! :P Ok, so that is not always true...BUT...I found out today that it is.

I love the snow...LOVE IT! I find it fresh, cleansing, pure, and a direct image of God's love. I have enjoyed watching it fly through the air. It falls on my window like a soft whisper from someone who cherishes His child. We have had a lot of fun building tents in the kids room (which they slept in), making chocolate chip cookies, cinnabons for breakfast, renting movies, more chocolate tonight...a real lovely couple of days.

So why am I not completely happy... because last night, my sweet little photo file brought up this picture that was saved!

It is of Kemil Beach, our families FAVORITE quick getaway in Northern Indiana. Brian and I have this sweet little feeling that we share when we come up on this hill. It is our "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH Hill". When we come up on this hill, we know that we will view the beach! It is magical!!! We have a little ritual with this hill. Brian actually drives by the hill after we leave the beach, making a circle around the beach. This little drive takes about 10 minutes. We look at the lake...and Brian turns on Enya's famous "Sail Away". The kids know this song...Abbie knows it is the beach song. I love this tradition. Today the love of these memories out weighed the fact that I am trapped in this house with a sick Isaac. I want this. I want to be free...I want my kids to be able to run in the sand, and Isaac to be able to breath with ease because the air is not too cold.

Guess it will be awhile before it comes. And I can be patient. It will not be long before I am looking at all the bugs flying at the windshield on a hot July night, thinking how they look like snowflakes flying at us. It won't be long before I am counting down the days to Christmas again. So, I will enjoy this season in my life! lol...But you better believe that we will make EVERY attempt to be at Kemil beach the first day of 70 degree weather!!!!
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