Friday, February 8, 2008

What a Week...

It has been a busy one! But, got all my work done this week. ;) We have to fix the car broke down on Wednesday. And my friend Sara's baby shower is tomorrow, so I have to make some time to get to that!

AND ...

Puppy Jail that is...He broke out of the fence and got caught this time. Isaac was very upset, so Brian explained that Jack was a bad boy. He ran away, and the police found him and took him to doggy jail. We will have to go pay bail for him tomorrow. Hoping that it is cheap! Keeping fingers crossed...

Prayer requests...
Brian tested today for another job. When he went in, they told him that he qualified for 2 more positions and asked for him to apply. He applied for them both. One of the jobs is a job with the railroad. He would really love to have this job, and the pay is excellent. It will be a sacrifice for us as a family since he will be gone quite a bit, but we can handle that for a few years. Anyhow...just remember us in your prayers. Hoping that one of the three jobs will work!



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