Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Update to update...

Brian got offered the job he interviewed for today. They want him to start Monday, but will let him give his 2 week at his other job. It is not the greatest pay, in fact, he would make about 5,000 less than he did last year. But, he would not have to drive, which will save us 3,000 a year! lol So not that great of a burden...just not an increase. And it will keep us in Attica for awhile which is fine for the next few months...but we are jumping to move from here!

So...what will we do? We have until Monday to decide. He is going to go to the other 3 interviews and see how they go. If they go well, then he might not take this one...if they go horrible, then he will have to take this one! But, for now, he has a job! Just thought you would all want to know.


lisaepriest on February 25, 2008 at 7:53 AM said...

So today is the big day, He started his new job yes?
Did not see you yesterday, thought maybe you were down at the Shaws.
Talk later Lisa

Annie Shaw on February 25, 2008 at 10:18 AM said...

Nope...He starts 2 weeks from today!


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