Thursday, February 14, 2008

And this is love???

Of course today is Valentine's Day. And though there are days that I wanna just blow up Brian's nose and stick a pencil in his ear, I love the man very much. I know...I one (including myself) is used to hearing me talk mushy about my man...but today it feels as though God would want me to do so. I feel convicted that I don't more often...So, I here I go!

Top 10 Things I Love About Brian:

1. His Nun-chuck Skills

9. The fact that he can not smell. (A real life saver with diapers and other nasty messes!)

8. He is a GREAT dad.

7. He has the most unique sleeping habits...I love that he can sleep through anything, talks in his sleep, walks in his sleep...and does some other things too! :P

6. He is our spiritual leader. Always try to make su
re that we are where we need to be with our Lord.
5. I love that he loves my family.

4. His awesome sense of style! lol...hahaha.. He took his ginormo
us glasses off for this picture.

3. That he can say everything when he says nothing.

2. That he is my #1 Dork...always making me look better. hehehe...

1. That he is my beloved and I am his...



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