Tuesday, September 9, 2008

How Cool---

So, Brian got a phone call in the middle of the night. Well, his night. LOL--it was technically 12 pm.

It was the college that he is finishing out his degree. They called to let him know that added a class to their schedule. It just happens to be a night class. And it just happens to be the GREEK that he needs to finish out his degree!!!! (Brian should have been able to finish his degree w/o this, but the school added Greek to the required courses last year... blah) So, I guess that we are officially back in school again. Twice a week trips to Indy. Gas is going to be pricey for sure. Please pray with us as we take on this endeavor. Pray for our car, as we are not sure if it will hold up. Please pray that the extra money needed for gas will make it's way into our hands. We have already been blessed with a way to make up for a little over a 1/3 of the expenses. Now, we just need the other 2/3~

We are so excited though. Brian is thrilled that he will walk the aisle and even more excited that his grandparents will get to see it. Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts!



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